our commitment to the community
The people of Anderson & Catania contribute their ideas, time, and financial resources to make a difference in our communities.
We believe that community service demonstrates our commitment to the community and builds trust with our neighbors and helps to improve their quality of life. Participating in community service projects also helps us gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges facing members of our community.
Our employees tell us that community service activities help to provide a sense of purpose and meaning beyond just making a profit. To this end, we’re proud to support these exceptional organizations that passionately seek to improve the quality of life for others.
At A&C we value education and so do our friends at SMSA. The Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association (SMSA) is the nation’s only provider of need-based scholarships exclusively to the children and grandchildren, of America’s fighting Seabees (Naval Construction Batallion) and Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) officers, who are attending accredited colleges and universities.
Our goal is to help aspiring college students reduce the risk involved in obtaining an excellent education by partnering with the big-hearted, generous team at the Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association.
At A&C we value education and so do our friends at SMSA. The Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association (SMSA) is the nation’s only provider of need-based scholarships exclusively to the children and grandchildren, of America’s fighting Seabees (Naval Construction Batallion) and Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) officers, who are attending accredited colleges and universities.
Our goal is to help aspiring college students reduce the risk involved in obtaining an excellent education by partnering with the big-hearted, generous team at the Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association.
4:13 Strong is a Nashville-based community service organization that equips men to succeed personally and professionally, through faith-based vocational and life skills training. The 4:13 Strong team makes a statement and a challenge on their website, “We have weekly opportunities for you to stay connected and involved at 4:13 Strong. Your support makes a lasting impact on our men’s lives.” We felt compelled to step up and answer that challenge.
At A&C, we provide our business community with surety bonding services, and by forming community bonds with incredible non-profit organizations, like 4:13 Strong, we’re helping them support their local communities.
With supporters across the United States, Cradles to Crayons works to fight Children’s Clothing Insecurity directly in Chicagoland, Massachusetts, Greater Philadelphia, and NYC, and focuses on raising awareness about this urgent crisis nationally. In 20 years, we have supplied more than three million packages of basic essentials like clothing, shoes, diapers, and school supplies to children who don’t have access to these critical resources.
Connect Thru Cancer knows the importance of support, not only for the cancer patient, but for the wellness of the entire family. That was our mission back in 2007 when the organization was founded by Cathy Gabrielsen. At 32, she found herself, a young mother, raising her two boys while battling breast cancer, needing support. From her experience, Cuddle My Kids was founded.
Now, over a decade later, it remains our mission as we continue to grow our programs and expand our reach to support even more individuals and families living with a cancer diagnosis. Connect Thru Cancer’s aim is to improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their families throughout cancer treatment.
Morris Habitat for Humanity is a non profit organization and an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International which is headquartered in Americus, Georgia. Habitat for Humanity provides technical assistance, but each affiliate operates independently raising its own funds, finding its own sites and selecting its own families. Each affiliate tithes to Habitat for Humanity to assist in building efforts worldwide.
A 19-member board made up of dedicated volunteers oversees Morris Habitat’s activities and a paid staff carries out day-to-day operations.
Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Morris Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that builds and rehabilitates houses in partnership with families in need.
The Candle Lighters, established in 1974, is made up of dedicated parents, staff and friends who are committed to raising money for non-funded programs, like Stepping Stones Early Intervention program, which are sponsored by The Arc of Essex County. These programs would not operate without the privately raised funds of The Candle Lighters.
Our mission is to assist in the growth and well-being of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community. When you make a contribution, you become one of the “Candles" that lights the way. Only through our combined efforts can we ensure a brighter future for these children and their families.
Our two Ronald McDonald House® programs provide temporary lodging, transportation, meals, and social services to families who travel to Philadelphia for pediatric care. Our three Ronald McDonald Family Room® programs extend the support of our Houses into the hospital setting and offer a quiet respite space for families at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. Ronald McDonald Camp is a week-long overnight camp for children with cancer and their siblings held in the Pocono Mountains every August.
The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®, operated in partnership with St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children, provides comprehensive and continuous oral healthcare to children in North Philadelphia.
The Chester County Food Bank was formed in 2009 to address the escalating hunger problem in the county. Our primary goal was, and still is, to have a viable, sustainable organization that secures, manages, and distributes food to those in need.
Today, we are the central hunger relief organization serving more than 160 partner agencies in Chester County, PA. Through our network of food cupboards, hot meal sites, shelters, and other social service organizations, we distribute nearly 3.5 million pounds to our neighbors with limited or uncertain access to adequate food.
We are, however, more than food drives that put cans on shelves. We take a steadfast approach to provide food and build support in the neediest communities while raising awareness and engagement among our community.
Founded in 1975, the West Chester Area Senior Center is an independent non-profit organization chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Center is managed by a volunteer board of directors made up of men and women from all parts of the West Chester area who share an interest in providing services to seniors.
Members of the Center play an active role in determining the Center’s activities. A Planning Council, elected by the participants, works with the Senior Center staff to ensure that the Center’s activities reflect the seniors’ interests. The Planning Council is eager to hear suggestions from members and suggestions for new programs are always welcomed.
Sow Good Now, 501(c)(3), was founded in July of 2018 by three mothers who are former college athletes and who have raised athletes. The founders believe that everyone has unique gifts to offer the world and they created the SGN GiveBack Model as a space for those gifts to be shared. Philanthropic Athletes are great leaders for this new approach because they understand the importance of dedication, teamwork and diversity in working toward a common goal.
By bringing diverse community members together through the sports they love and integrating a spirit of generosity with active volunteerism and participatory grant making, a new and sustainable ecosystem of philanthropic giving is established.
B&A provides basic needs to children and families in local neighborhoods. We strive to help local children living with limited resources as well as children and adults with physical and mental disabilities. We also work to continuously educate and inspire our youth and their families by providing outreach opportunities and experiential learning.
The foundation works to meet, not only the basic needs of children and their families, but aims to develop the growth mindset and confidence that will serve them throughout their lives. This is because giving children the opportunity to develop confidence in themselves and achieve their dreams offers them the greatest chance of success. The ability to strive and succeed develops within each individual, and the foundation is committed to the development of this growth mindset within the family unit.
Comfort Zone Camp has been putting a spotlight on grieving children. Comfort Zone Camp is a camp for grieving kids ages 7 to 17 who have lost either a parent, two parents or siblings. Since its founding in 1999, Comfort Zone Camp has helped over 23,000 children. In 2022 alone, Comfort Camp fostered the growth and healing of 1,037 children who attended one of Comfort Zone Camp’s 26 in-person camps, virtual camps or support groups.